Click on the button you require.
The round buttons provide quick access to some of the
functions including:
N e w M e s s a g e
Opens the message editor so you can
create a message and send it by fax
or email.
B r ow s e
Opens the list of folders so you can
Fo l d e r s
check on the progress of messages,
examine the lists of received,
transmitted, filed messages and print
these lists or individual messages.
S c a n t o
Opens the scanner driver for
M e s s a g e
scanning documents or images. These
are automatically attached to a new
message in the Unimessage Pro
message editor ready for sending.
C o py
Lets you to make copies on your BT
MultiJet 3000 from your PC screen.
S c a n I m a g e
Lets you scan documents or images
into your PC from your BT
MultiJet 3000.
S e t u p
Allows you to choose the default
settings for scanning and copying on
your BT Multijet 3000 control panel.
F i n d
Search your personal Unimessage Pro
folders for filed items.
E x i t
Close Unimessage Pro.
O n s c r e e n h e l p
Your Unimessage Pro software has detailed help files
that give much more information than in this guide.
To d i s p l a y h e l p.
When using your Unimessage Pro software
H e l p
to display the menu.
C o n t e n t s a n d I n d ex
to view an
on-screen manual.
S e t u p b u t t o n
S e t u p
button on the Welcome screen lets you set
the function of the Scan button and copy facility on the
control panel of your BT MultiJet 3000 machine. These
settings do not affect scanning or copying from your PC.