GS-X Pinsetter w/Advanced (CE) Guarding Operation Manual
Area 5 - Distributor
Rarely, a mechanic must perform work at the division kickback side of the pinsetter. Although many
division side procedures can be accomplished from work areas 1-4, some require climbing into the
pinsetter. For these situations, Area 5 - Distributor should be used. The space defined in area 5 will
provide adequate support for the mechanic’s weight, provide stability for the mechanic, and prevent
damage to the machine. Refer to the figure titled
Pinsetter Work Area 5 - Distributor.
This area may be
used for such activities as:
1. Replacing a division side table or sweep motor
2. Replacing the table or sweep drive assemblies
3. Replacing Pin Stations
4. Replacing distributor belts
CAUTION! Before using the distributor frame to support your weight, place
a pin in each pinstation to power the ejector flaps to prevent damage to the
pinstations and to eliminate trip hazards.
CAUTION: When accessing the machine for work area 5, the main power
switch on the Nexgen or Safety Controller must be locked into the off position
using a suitable locking mechanism.
Pinsetter Work Area 5 - Distributor
Working Positions and Support Locations