Operating the VIBROCONTROL 1500
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VC1500EN / C103845.002 / V 09 / 14.04.2015
7.11 Post-mortem display after a LIM2 violation
The instrument permits examination of the recorded measured data from
both sensors in the time period of 994 seconds before the LIM 2 violation and
up to 29 seconds after the LIM 2 violation.
In the menu the following display is selected and confirmed with
Fig. 34: Post-mortem menu.
In the display the selection of the channel from which you would like to
examine the measured data appears. The desired channel is selected using
the buttons
and confirmed with the button
Fig. 35: Channel selection.
In the upper line of the display the measured value of bearing vibration and in
the lower line the course of time are displayed. The time value ‘0’ is the exact
time of the LIM 2 violation. On the left the measured value preceding the
violation and on the right the measured values after the violation are
displayed. The buttons
are used to page backward and forward in
the history of the event. Return to the menu using the button
Fig. 36: Post-mortem display
After switching the instrument off by removing the power all stored
post-mortem data will be deleted!