Assembly procedure
(1) Thread the brass push valve onto the brass elbow and orient it as
shown in Fig 3. Note that there is an arrow cast into the valve showing
the direction of flow – it should face toward the elbow. It is not
necessary to use thread tape at this joint.
(2) Install the 3/8” diameter stainless CO
tube onto the brass elbow
using the flare nut as shown in Fig.4. Tighten the nut loosely at this
point. It will be fully tightened in the next step
(3) Slide the smaller diameter (1/4”) beer tube inside the CO
tube and
through the hole in the brass elbow as shown in Fig. 5. If it does not
move in and out smoothly, check for a bend in the tube (see
troubleshooting section). Tighten the nut snugly with a wrench, but do
not over tighten. Check to see that the CO
tube is not on at an angle
and be sure that the beer tube moves freely. If it does not move freely,
ensure that the CO
tube is on straight, not causing the beer tube to
bind. If this does not resolve the trouble, refer to the troubleshooting
(4) Slide the spring onto the CO
tube and then slide the stainless beer
trigger onto the tube. Do not install the trigger onto the beer tube just
yet. Proceed to step 5 first.
(5) Install the small black silicone valve seat onto the “U” shaped
stainless clip as shown in Fig. 7. Then install the clip onto the groove on
the end of the CO
: The rubber valve seat can be torn and permanently damaged
if incorrectly removed from the valve clip. Please carefully pull it straight
off the valve clip, not at an angle or twisting motion.
Korspelsesteenweg 86 • B-3581 Beverlo - Belgium
Tel. +32-(0)11-40.14.08 • Fax. +32-(0)11-34.73.59
[email protected] •
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
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058.121.4 Bottle-filler Beergun with accessory kit
058.122.3 Bottle-filler Beergun