Section 4 Maintenance & Troubleshooting
Symptoms & Possible Causes
Corrective Action
10. Calibration Drift.
Gas box temperature too high?
Zero is not correct.
Is it linear offset?
11. GF100 Series indicates Overshoot.
If the tool is idle for an extended period of time,
high inlet pressure or contamination will cause
overshoot on first use.
12.OEM tool indicates the wrong full scale
value for GF100 Series.
Older version of Multiflo Configurator used
to program GF100 Series.
13. GF100 Series dumps large volume of
gas into chamber when setpoint is
commanded from the tool.
The tool is commanding a setpoint before the
pneumatic valves are opened.
GF100 Series and pneumatic timing may be offset.
GF100 Series overshoots.
14. Tool display output doesn’t match
GF100 Series flow output.
Cable resistance causing offset in the tool’s
Check GF100 Series zero.
Table 4-2 GF100 Series Troubleshooting Guide (Continued)