e. Place the igniter against the ground or other surface. Angle the torch away so spray will not come
back at the operator’s face or body.
With the plug valve closed, fully depress the oxygen control lever on the torch assembly.
g. Slowly open the plug valve until a light flow of oxygen is heard.
h. Press down on the torch assembly to bury the rod tip in the reactive material.
Hold the rod tip in the molten puddle which forms (approximately 4-5 seconds). Sparkling indicates
rod ignition.
Keeping the oxygen control lever depressed, raise the rod to the work piece/target material and
fully open the plug valve to commence cutting.
3-3-3. Ignition using RapidFire cutting rod igniter - Underwater.
General. The Broco Prime-Cut PC/A-5V2HR torch can be used to conduct underwater cutting at depths to
30 fsw (with the industrial oxygen regulator). As the lightweight battery cannot be submersed, and cutting
frequently must be performed where surface support (oxygen source and a power supply) is not practical,
RapidFire cutting rod ignition cartridges are used to ignite cutting rods underwater.
Do not remove the safety clip from the rod igniter until the operator is ready to initiate cutting.
Although a self-heating material, the ingredients within the rod igniter are not violently reactive with
air. A strong oxidizer is required to achieve good combustion. Prolonged contact with water will
cause the material within the igniter to become inert.
Do not raise the rod from the ignition point until ignition has been achieved. Ignition is more efficient
if a molten puddle is allowed to form around the tip of the rod.
When using a RapidFire cutting rod ignition cartridge to ignite a cutting rod underwater, the
oxygen must be flowing before the internal seal is broken, unlike the preceding land environment
procedure which requires the seal to be broken prior to oxygen being introduced.
a. With the plug valve closed, fully depress the oxygen control lever on the torch assembly. Slowly
open the plug valve until a moderate flow of oxygen is detected (approximately 1/3 opened, 1”-3”
jet observed issuing from the cutting rod tip). Release the oxygen control lever.
b. Remove the safety clip by pulling on the attached cord.
c. Place the cutting rod igniter on the cutting rod and press gently until the rod is seated within both
igniter alignment bushings and is against the glass vial.
d. Pace the bottom of the igniter against a hard surface.
e. Depress the oxygen control lever allowing the moderate oxygen flow into the cutting rod igniter.
By introducing the oxygen into the rod igniter PRIOR to breaking the internal seal, the water is
displaced to allow for proper oxidation and combustion.
Tap (hard) the bottom of the rod igniter against the hard surface to break the internal seal. Press
down on the torch assembly to bury the rod tip in the reactive material.