Bristell B23
Airplane Maintenance Manual
Chapter 20
Issue: 30-Sep-2020
Chapter 20 Page 7
Rivet Joints
Riveted parts are used in design of BRISTELL B23 airplane for whole
fuselage, wings, flaps, ailerons and tail unit.
In the following table there is a survey of rivets that are used on
BRISTELL B23 airplane structure.
Type of rivets
AVEX 01604,
01661, 01691
Aluminum rivet on steel stem
Fuselage, wing, stabilizer,
elevator , rudder, flaps, ailerons
Aluminum rivet with
countersunk head
Aluminum rivets with
dome head
Tab. 2
Survey of Rivets Used in Airplane Structure
Removal of Rivets
Remove rivets from the side of the rivet, which is more accessible.
Drill out the rivet head and drive out the shank.
Center-dot heads of solid rivets, which shall be drilled off.
Use a drill bit of 0.5 mm (0.025 in) smaller diameter than the rivet
shank and drill up to the depth of 2/3 of the total depth riveted parts.
Remove the drilled heads with a sharp cuter. Drive out the shank with
the soft material mandrel of 0.1 mm (0.004 in) smaller diameter than
rivet shank. The rivets, which cannot be driven out should be drilled
out full depth. When removing rivets be careful that chips and rivets
do not fall down to areas were sensitive mechanisms are located, e.g.
guides, control bearings etc.