Mode 7 Overview
PSI BOX Reference
compiled ready to run and also as source code for you to modify
as you wish. Both programs have been complied using
Microsoft’s excellent Quick Basic V4.5 compiler, the source
code is also compatible with other compiler such as Borland’s
Turbo Basic. The two programs are called COMM and PSIBOX.
The COMM.BAS file is the source code for the compiled
COMM.EXE program. The COMM program is a very simple,
bare bones program, with just the minimum needed code to talk
to the PSI BOX. It opens COM1 to talk to the PSIBOX at 1200
baud, 7 data bits, Even Parity and 1 stop bit. Any key pressed
on the PC, is echoed on the screen and is then sent to the
PSIBOX. Every character received from the PSI BOX is printed
on the PC screen. To change the communications parameters it
is necessary to edit the source code and either recompile or run
the program using the BASIC interpreter.
The PSIBOX.BAS file is the source code for the compiled
PSIBOX.EXE program. The PSIBOX program is more sophisti-
cated and has menu driven serial port parameter selection,
predefined Function Keys to access PSI features etc etc. We
encourage you to use the programs and you are free to modify
and incorporate the code into your own programs provided they
are used to drive our products.
Mode 7 Summary.
Mode 7 is an RS232 to IEEE bi-directional interface. Data
is sent and received using the RS232 and IEEE handshakes. In
this mode no other sort of data transmission is possible, the
parallel port can not be used as either an input nor as an output.
Typically mode 7 is used to control several IEEE devices or
instruments from the RS232 port of a computer. eg Commodore
Amiga IEEE controller, BBC Master IEEE controller, Acorn
Archimedes IEEE controller, Atari ST IEEE controller or IBM
Chapter 7
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