PSI BOX Reference
devices such as laser printers and modems.
Mode 8 is used at allow an IEEE plotter than uses Hewlett
Packard Graphic Language to completely emulate the RS232
equivalent plotter. HPGL plotting commands, HPGL output
commands and RS232 flow control being catered for.
Chapter 7, The PSI BOX Mode 7 Overview
contains as a short summary of the Mode 7, details about the
Mode 7 power up messages, the Mode 7 default parameters, data
pass through mode, the BUS command sequence, sending data to
IEEE devices, receiving data from IEEE devices, IEEE control
status string, the RESET command and character, the current
device, a summary of the BUS command language and finally
the Mode 7 memory allocation.
Mode 7 is typically used as a means of controlling a
whole bus full of IEEE instruments from the RS232 serial
port of any computer.
Chapter 8, The IEEE BUS Command Language
Controls and Functions, lists and explains the full range of
IEEE controls and functions currently supported by the enhanced
PSI BOX PLUS+ Mode 7 IEEE command language. This
chapter details the command syntax, parameters and actual IEEE
bus transactions that take place. The IEEE functions are a
comprehensive set of commands that allow complete control of
the IEEE bus, right from the individual line logic levels to
performing complete parallel or serial poll routines on multiple
devices. Knowing how to access these commands is the key to
realising the full benefits of the powerful software that makes
the PSI BOX PLUS+ a magnificent asset.
The Cumulative Index
covers the complete contents
of the manual.