Control Functions
PSI BOX PLUS+ Reference
Send PSI Rom Version To RS232 Host.
To cause the PSI BOX to send its operating system
version number and date back to the host RS232 computer.
The PSI BOX ROM version can be used to identify the
VERSION of software and release date and so help to prevent
any problems from inconsistencies in the implementation of the
PSI BOX firmware.
The current PSI BOX Version will be sent from the PSI
BOX to the RS232 host computer whenever the PSI BOX
receives the VERSION command.
A request for the VERSION causes the PSI BOX to return a
message to the RS232 host computer. This is a string of Ascii
characters of the following form :-
PSI BOX Version 4.0f 16/06/90
The Version string is approximately 30 bytes long and is
terminated by a Carriage Return linefeed pair. It is advised that
40 bytes of space are set aside for the Version status string in
your program.
Up to 40 bytes of data starting with
PSI BOX Version x.xx xx/xx/xx <CR LF>
BUS VERSION <Carriage Return>
Chapter 8
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