Setting Up The PSI BOX.
PSI BOX Reference
Determine whether you are going to use your Centronics
Parallel Port as an input or output. If this port is not in use
then set it as an output.
Set up the RS232 port options, baud rate, parity etc.
Determine whether you want the PSI BOX to be an IEEE
device or the IEEE controller.
If it is an IEEE device then it will be controlled by
commands from, say, a Commodore PET or Hewlett
Packard computer.
If the PSI BOX is the IEEE controller then you are using
it to control an IEEE instrument or other device from the
serial or parallel port of some computer.
If the PSI is an IEEE device then select the IEEE base
address. This gives the address of the RS232 port, the
address of the Centronics Parallel port is one more than the
base address set by the dip switches.
If the IEEE port is acting as the controller to an IEEE
instrument then set the mode switches to correctly
determine exactly how the IEEE device gets its instructions
and which of the RS232 or Centronics port is generating
the IEEE data.
Connect up all your cables and away you go.
If you are having a problem watch the way the LEDs blink
this can give you valuable information about where the
fault lies.
If the RS232 port appears to be at fault, then use a loop
back connector on the RS232 port. This will allow you to
determine whether the fault is due to the RS232 cross over
cable used, incorrect baud rates or wrong mode switch
Chapter 1
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