PSI BOX Reference
IEEE 488 Introduction
Engineers published IEEE 488, this is revised in November 1978
and again in 1980.
By 1986 more than 250 manufacturers in more than 14
countries throughout the world are building over 2000 different
IEEE 488 based products..... and the PSI BOX lets you control
them all from your desk top PC!
What Exactly Is IEEE 488?
Basically IEEE 488 is a way of connecting electronic
instruments together and putting them under computer control.
The IEEE 488 standard describes a connecting plug, a set
of 16 signal wires and 8 earth wires and sets out the way that
each instrument may send and receive data.
By strictly defining these parameters in an unambiguous
way, the IEEE 488 standard has become powerful though its
ease of use and straight forward implementation.
Any one who has ever attempted to link two RS232C
devices together will admire the no soldering, piggy back style,
cable connection and the no baud rate, parity free, high speed
IEEE 488 data exchange.
The intelligence of the IEEE 488 system is built into the
interface and does not lie in the user’s ability to decipher how to
wire up a cross-over or null modem cable!
What’s In A Name?
There are four international standards governing byte serial
bit parallel interface systems for instruments.
The IEEE-488 standard is also known as the
General Purpose Interface Bus, GPIB, the
Hewlett Packard Interface Bus, HPIB, IEEE
Bus, PLUS Bus and even the ASCII Bus.
This is identical to the IEEE standard.
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Chapter 2