B 650 SW2.1
Page margin 1 and 2:
Main Menu - Paper Layout - Page margin 1/2
The margins are adjustable from 12.7 mm (0.5 inch) to 50.8 mm (2.0
inch), in 2.54 mm (0.1 inch) increments.
There are two different margins, Margin 1 and Margin 2.
Note that the value on Margin 1 will affect both the “outer” margins,
and the value on Margin 2 will affect both the “inner” margins.
Main Menu - Paper Layout - Format
Selects between Interpoint (dots on both sides of the sheet)
and Single sided (dots on just one side of the sheet).
Fold line:
Main Menu - Paper Layout - Fold line
Turn on or off a row of dots in the middle of the four-page sheet.
This makes it easier to fold the sheet.
Cell spec:
Main Menu - Paper Layout - Cell spec
Here you can choose between the Marburg medium standard
or the US NLS standard Braille cell spacing.
Fold line