B 650 SW2.1
The SW2 Stacker will stack the printed sheets in piles, where one pile can be a complete book or mag
azine. The stacker is also controlling the compressed air that drives the paper cutter inside the printer
Description of function
When the printer is printing a sheet, the sheet will be catched by the rollers on the eject motors.
The eject motors, one on each side of the sheet, runs slowly with low torque as long as the printer is
printing. When it’s time to cut the paper, the printer sends a signal to the SW2 stacker control unit.
The paper holder on the cutter locks the paper and the cutter cuts the sheet.
Immediately after the cutting, the eject motors will increase the speed and torque and push the sheet
into the stacking unit.
When the sheet is detected by the paper sensor on the paper stop, the trap doors will open and the
sheet will fall down onto the conveyor belt.
This is repeated until the wanted numbers of sheets in the volume is reached, then the conveyor belt
will move the stack a short distance. The different volumes will then be separated on the conveyor
If the sheet for some reason does not arrive at the paper sensor within a certain time after the sheet
is cut, the SW2 stacker will send an alarm signal back to the printer, and the printer will stop.
There is another sensor at the end of the conveyor belt that will detect if the belt is full. This will also
stop the printer.
Full belt sensor
Eject motors
Paper sensor