A4... with HS5E(V)(L) control system Series 1x and 30
| Troubleshooting
Bosch Rexroth AG, RE 92076-01-B/2021-04-22
Table 28: Malfunction table of HS5E control systems
Possible cause
Humming noise in the pressure
control or pressure/flow
Air pocket around the sensor
Bleed control system, pump
(see 8, on page 63) and pipes completely
Problem with the cable shield
Connect shield to ground
Incorrect protective earth connection in the
control cabinet
Properly connect protective earth connector
No connection from M0 to L0
Connect M0 (XH4, pin 4) and L0
(XH4, pin 2) in the control cabinet
Unfavorable place of installation/mounting
technique for the pressure transducer
Change installation location (e.g. suspended
mounting, no Minimess line, no throttling
point between pump and pressure
transducer), see page 44
Improperly high gain of the actual pressure
Reduce P-gain, see chapter on
page 76
Screaming noise
Oil level in the reservoir too low; pump partly
aspires air
Top up oil
Pump draws in air
Change routing of the suction line
Suction line leaky
Seal suction line
Pump cavitates when pressure is reduced
Diagnosis: Measure, whether the pressure in the
pressure line overshoots
Optimize controller, reduce the command
value via a ramp or in steps
Fluid in the reservoir is mixed with air; cooling
and/or filtration circuit leaky
Other unusual noise
Drive speed too high
Machine or system manufacturer
Wrong direction of rotation
Machine or system manufacturer
Inadequate suction conditions, e.g. air in the
suction line, insufficient diameter of the suction
line, viscosity of the hydraulic fluid too high,
suction height too high, suction pressure too low,
foreign particles in the suction line
Check whether shut-off valves are open
Machine or system manufacturer
(e.g. optimize inlet conditions, use suitable
hydraulic fluid)
Completely air bleed the control system, fill
suction line with hydraulic fluid
Remove foreign particles from the suction
Incorrect mounting of the control system
Check mounting of the control system
according to the specifications of the
machine or system manufacturer. Observe
tightening torques
Incorrect mounting of the assembled parts,
e.g. coupling and hydraulic lines
Fasten assembled parts according to the
parameters provided by the coupling fitting
Air in the pump or in the preload valve
Bleed pump and preload valve
Wear/mechanical damage to the control system Replace the control system, contact Rexroth
No or insufficient pressure
(< 4 bar)
Faulty mechanical drive (e.g. defective coupling) Machine or system manufacturer
Hydraulic fluid not in optimal viscosity range
Use suitable hydraulic fluid (machine or
system manufacturer)
Output unit defective (e.g. hydraulic motor or
Machine or system manufacturer
Wear/mechanical damage
Replace the control system, contact Rexroth