RE 92076-01-B/2021-04-22, Bosch Rexroth AG
Transport and storage |
A4... with HS5E(V)(L) control system Series 1x and 30 39
Fig. 9: Mounting the eye bolt in the drive shaft
Danger due to suspended loads!
During transport with lifting strap, the axial piston unit can topple out of the lifting
strap and cause injury.
▶ Use the widest possible lifting strap.
▶ Make sure that the axial piston unit is securely fixed with the lifting strap.
▶ Only guide the axial piston unit by hand for fine positioning and to avoid
▶ Never stand or reach under suspended loads.
▶ Place the lifting strap around the axial piston unit so that it does not pass
over assembled parts (e.g. valves, electrical assembled parts, and sensors
(red arrows see Fig. 10)) and that the axial piston unit is not suspended from
assembled parts.
Fig. 10: Transporting the axial piston unit
Transport with lifting strap