Bosch Rexroth Canada ı 03.10.2011 ı Revision 5.4
Change LIQUI
Change LIQUI
Change LIQUI
Change LIQUID3 to Read ANTI
D3 to Read ANTI
D3 to Read ANTI
D3 to Read ANTI----IIII
Using the navigation buttons, move the cursor to “MATERIAL SETUP”, select
“PREWET 3” and press the Enter button.
Using the Left or Right navigation button, move to letter to be changed.
Using the Up or Down navigation button, change the letter as required.
Once all the letters have been changed, press the Enter button.
Entering the ANTI
Entering the ANTI
Entering the ANTI
Entering the ANTI----ICING Liquid Rates
ICING Liquid Rates
ICING Liquid Rates
ICING Liquid Rates
The screen rates are in ltr or gal per ton, treat this as ltr/km or gal/mile
Move the cursor to the first line of rates and press Enter.
Using the Left or Right navigation button, move to number to be changed.
Using the Up or Down navigation button, change the number as required.
Once all the numbers have been changed, press the Enter button.
Calibrate this liquid as per calibration procedure under “PREWETTING AUTO
Have the operator set up the system for “PRE-WETTING” on start-up, once anti-icing
is to be used, the operator switches the selector switch to ANTI-ICING and the
operator display screen will now reflect anti-icing conditions.
11.2 Multiple Boom Anti-icing
In the three booms anti-icing mode the vehicle is equipped with booms for single,
double or three lane applications. When selecting each boom, the appropriate boom
selected will be indicated on the screen of the display console.
Selecting the Multi Boom Anti
Selecting the Multi Boom Anti
Selecting the Multi Boom Anti
Selecting the Multi Boom Anti----icing Mode
icing Mode
icing Mode
icing Mode
Insert the programming key, select “SYSTEM SETUP”, and select “LIQ”.
The screen to the left will appear.
Using the navigation buttons, move the cursor to “3 BOOM ANTI-ICING” and press
the Enter button. The screen will return to the previous screen.
Two other options are available if desired:
3 Boom + Password
3 Boom + Password
3 Boom + Password
3 Boom + Password
If password protection is desired while in the Multi Boom Anti-icing mode.
3 Boom + Speed Simulator
Boom + Speed Simulator
Boom + Speed Simulator
Boom + Speed Simulator
If speed simulation is desired while in the Multi Boom Anti-icing mode.
Press the Escape button to return to the first screen.