Bosch Rexroth Canada ı 03.10.2011 ı Revision 5.4
With the engine running at 1500 RPM, press the Enter button to start the process.
The screen will show the message depicted to the left.
The pump will start and increase in speed until it reaches its maximum speed. When
the controller does not sense any increase in the pulses from the sensor, it knows
maximum output has been established.
The pump will now gradually slow down until the controller does not receive any
more pulses from the sensor indicating the flow has stopped.
Note: Auto Nulling may take place twice as the controller will verify the first readings
to make sure the small range between minimum and maximum is correct.
When Auto Nulling is completed the screen will return to the previous screen.
10.6 Automatic Calibration
Fill the LIQUID TANKS with the material to be calibrated.
Insert the programming key, select “MATERIAL SETUP” select desired MATERIAL A
and press Enter, the screen to the left will appear.
Use the Down navigation button to move the cursor to “RUN CALIBRATION” and
press the Enter button. The screen to the left will appear.
ote:::: Screen message is a warning that the system will run during the
Screen message is a warning that the system will run during the
Screen message is a warning that the system will run during the
Screen message is a warning that the system will run during the
calibration proces
, make sure all personnel is clear of moving parts.
make sure all personnel is clear of moving parts.
make sure all personnel is clear of moving parts.
make sure all personnel is clear of moving parts.
Operate the truck engine at 1500 RPM to ensure good hydraulic oil flow.
Liquid will be discharging from the spray bar during the calibration process, a
means of collecting this material will be necessary.
Use the Down navigation button to move the cursor to “START” and press the Enter
button. The screen to the left will appear.
Set the Pre-wet application rate button to 3.
The system will now be running and material is discharging from the vehicle.