ICP-CC488 |
Installation Guide | 21.0
Optional Equipment
| 91
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 12/08 | F01U089457-02
21.3 SS914 EDMSAT Satellite Siren
The EDMSAT Satellite Siren is a totally self-
contained unit incorporating a high-powered siren
and a weatherproof strobe. A 1.2 Ah sealed lead-acid
battery must be installed. The EDMSAT requires
only two wires, which enable charging of the battery
and activating of the siren and strobe. This is
accomplished by pulse code modulating (PCM) the
charging voltage. Any attempt to tamper with the
wiring or to substitute an alternate power source
across the wiring disrupts the data transmission and
activates the EDMSAT immediately. When the
EDMSAT executes a battery test, the unit sounds for
2 sec if the battery test fails. Use Output Event Type
0,0 EDMSAT - Satellite Siren (refer to page 71) when
programming an output for the satellite siren.
21.4 CC891
The programming key copies and stores all
information programmed in your control panel. The
programming key can hold all your common
configuration data such as monitoring station
telephone numbers and zone reporting channels.
21.5 CC816
This software package is designed to program the
ICP-CC488 Control Panel by either the direct link or
remote connect methods. This software can access all
options and features and maintain history and service
reports. Program options to use this feature in
Location 180. Refer to
Section 8.0 Alarm Link Software
on page 40 for more information on using Alarm
Link software.
21.6 ICP-CP508W Eight Zone LED
This codepad operates with the control panels. It
provides indications for up to eight zones. This
codepad cannot be used with the ICP-CC488
Control Panel.
21.7 ICP-CP508LW Eight Zone LCD
This codepad operates with the ICP-CC488 control
panels. This codepad has a fixed icon display and
provides indications for up to eight zones. This
codepad cannot be used with the ICP-CC488
Control Panel.
21.8 ICP-CP500AW Eight Zone Area
Addressable Codepad
This codepad operates with a partitioned ICP-CC488
Control Panel. This codepad has a DIP switch on the
back to select the area to which the codepad belongs.
Refer to
Section 19.6 Setting Up and Programming
Codepads for Partitioning
Section 19.7 Codepad
Connections For Partitioning
for more information.
21.9 ICP-CP500PW Master Partitioned
This codepad operates with a partitioned ICP-CC488
Control Panel. This codepad enables you to operate
the entire system from a single codepad by toggling
between the two areas by pressing [AWAY]. With
this codepad, it is not necessary to have separate CP5
Area Addressable (CP500A) codepads for each area.
Refer to
Section 19.6 Setting Up and Programming
Codepads for Partitioning
Section 19.7 Codepad
Connections For Partitioning
for more information.
21.10 CP105 Night Arm Station
The night arm station incorporates a panic button
and allows the user to arm and disarm the system in
STAY Mode 1 from a bedroom or sitting room.
Enable the night arm station to operate with the
system by selecting Option 8 in Location 495 (refer
Section 18.4 System Options 4
21.11 TF008 Plug Pack (TF008)
The TF008 plug pack is used with control panels.
The plug pack includes built-in thermal fuses that
blow during overload or fault conditions to eliminate
a possible fire threat due to excessive heat buildup
inside the casing.
The plug pack incorporates a three-wire flying lead
that enables a MAINS earth connection between the
equipment and the plug pack. This connection might
be required for lightning protection on equipment
connected to phone lines or for safety reasons such as
earthing of metal enclosures.