ICP-CC488 |
Installation Guide | 19.0
| 85
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 12/08 | F01U089457-02
19.3.1 Partitioning
First to open/last to close reporting
Area 1 codepad connected to data terminal
Reset sirens from any area allowed
Master codepad to display AUX indicator when
1 – First To Open/Last To Close Reporting
Select this option if only one Open/Close Report is
required for a partitioned system. Instead of sending
individual Open/Close reports for each area, a
Closing Report is sent only after both areas are
armed and an Opening Report is sent as soon as one
area is disarmed.
The reports are sent with the Subscriber ID Number
allocated to the specific area. You must program
Subscriber ID Numbers and Open/Close Reports for
both areas.
This option is applicable only when all
User Codes have a priority level set with
no open/close reports. If User Codes
have priority levels set to Open/Close
Reports, an Opening or Closing report is
always sent when any area is disarmed or
armed, regardless of whether the area
was first to open or last to close.
2 – Area 1 Codepad Connected to Data Terminal
If this option is selected, the DATA terminal on the
ICP-CC488 Control Panel is configured to send only
status information that is relevant to Area 1. This
allows you to connect an area addressable codepad
(CP500A) set for Area 1 operation to the DATA
terminal of the control panel instead of connecting
the addressable codepad to an output.
If this option is not selected, the CP5 Master
Partitioned (CP500P) codepad must be used because
the DATA terminal on the control panel displays
information for both Area 1 and Area 2.
An advantage to using this option is that you can
configure a system into separate areas and preserve
the maximum number of programmable outputs for
other applications.
4 – Reset Sirens from Any Area Allowed
This option applies only to a partitioned control
panel. If this option is selected, any valid User Code
from Area 1 or Area 2 can reset the horn speaker,
strobe, bell, or EDMSAT outputs while in alarm.
This option does not allow a User Code allocated to
one area to disarm another area.
8 – Master Codepad To Display AUX Indicator
When Online
If this option is selected, the AUX indicator on the
CP5 Master Partitioned (CP500P) codepad lights
when the control panel seizes the telephone line to
send a report. The AUX indicator is extinguished
when the telephone line is released.
19.3.2 Partitioning
Lock Area 1 to Receiver 1 and Area 2 to Receiver 2
User Code allowed to arm/disarm both areas at the
same time
4 Reserved
8 Reserved
1 – Lock Area 1 to Receiver 1 and Area 2 to
Receiver 2
If this option is selected, all reports for Area 1 are
sent to Receiver 1 and all reports for Area 2 are sent
to Receiver 2.
If this option is not selected, you must manually
program all reporting to be sent to Receiver 1 or
Receiver 2 for both areas.
2 – User Code Allowed To Arm/Disarm Both Areas
at the Same Time
If this option is selected, any user allocated to both
areas can arm or disarm both areas at the same time
without entering the code at each area codepad.
Refer to
Sections 5.2.1
for more information.
If the user arms both areas at the same time and
Option 1 is selected in Location 500 (refer to
19.3.1 Partitioning Options 1
on page 85), only a
Closing Report for Area 2 is sent.
If the user disarms both areas at the same time and
Option 1 is selected in Location 500, only an
Opening Report for Area 1 is sent.
19.4 Zone
You can allocate up to eight zones to each zone. The
eight locations for each area are represented by the
zone indicators on the remote area addressable
codepad. You can map any zone to either area to
appear as any zone on the remote area addressable
codepad (that is, you can allocate a zone to both
Area 1 and Area 2 to become a common zone, but
each Area zone number cannot exceed 8).
Zones programmed as common zones report to the
base station receiver on group zero (Area 1 – Group
1 and Area 2 – Group 2). Zones allocated to only one
area report on the corresponding group number.
Common zones, other than 24-Hour zone types, do
not activate an alarm until both areas are armed in
either AWAY Mode or STAY Mode 1.