ICP-CC488 |
Installation Guide | 14.0
Zone Information
| 63
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 12/08 | F01U089457-02
5 – Latching Arm in STAY Mode 1
The system is armed in STAY Mode 1 when using
the latching keyswitch input. Arming the system in
AWAY Mode or disarming the system is not
permitted from the Keyswitch Zone.
6 – Latching Disarm from STAY Mode 1 or STAY
Mode 2
The system is disarmed from STAY Mode 1 or
STAY Mode 2 when using the latching keyswitch
input. Arming the system in STAY Mode 1 or STAY
Mode 2, or arming and disarming the system in
AWAY Mode is permitted from the Keyswitch Zone.
8 – Momentary Arm and Disarm in AWAY Mode
The system is armed or disarmed from AWAY Mode
when using the momentary keyswitch input.
9 – Momentary Arm in AWAY Mode
The system is armed in AWAY Mode when using
the momentary keyswitch input. Disarming the
system is not permitted from the Keyswitch Zone.
10 – Momentary Disarm from AWAY Mode, STAY
Mode 1, or STAY Mode 2
The system is disarmed from either AWAY Mode,
STAY Mode 1, or STAY Mode 2 when using the
momentary keyswitch input. Arming the system is
not permitted from the Keyswitch Zone.
12 – Momentary Arm and Disarm in STAY Mode 1
The system is armed or disarmed in STAY Mode 1
when using the momentary keyswitch input. Arming
and disarming the system in AWAY Mode is not
permitted from the Keyswitch Zone.
13 – Momentary Arm in STAY Mode 1
The system is armed in STAY Mode 1 when using
the momentary keyswitch input. Arming the system
in AWAY Mode or disarming the system is not
permitted from the Keyswitch Zone.
14 – Momentary Disarm from STAY Mode 1 or
STAY Mode 2
The system is disarmed from STAY Mode 1 or
STAY Mode 2 when using the momentary keyswitch
input. Arming the system in STAY Mode 1 or STAY
Mode 2, or arming and disarming the system from
AWAY Mode is not permitted from the Keyswitch
Figure 14: Wiring Diagram for Keyswitch Zone
1 – EOL
2 – Keyswitch (Momentary/Toggle)
Figure 15: Wiring Diagram for Keyswitch Zone
Using Split EOL with Tamper
1 – EOL
2 – Keyswitch (Momentary/Toggle)
Zone Options 2
This location has four programming options. You can
select any combination of the options by
programming a single value. Calculate this value by
adding the option bit numbers together. Refer to
Section 7.3 Programming Option Bits
on page 36 for
more information.
Table 52: Zone Options 2
Isolate in STAY Mode 1
2 Zone
4 Forced
Zone Restore Report
1 – Isolate in STAY Mode 1
If this option is selected, the zone can be
automatically isolated when the system is armed in
STAY Mode 1.
If this option is not selected and the system is armed
in STAY Mode 1, the zone activates an alarm when
activated as it normally would in AWAY Mode.
You can specify a global entry time for all zones,
except for 24-Hour Zones, when the system is armed
in STAY Mode 1. You program this time in
Locations 472 and 473 (refer to
Section 17.5 Entry
Guard Timer for STAY
on page 78). The Entry
Guard Timer overrides the delay time programmed
for a Delay Zone. If you program the Entry Guard
Timer as 0, each zone acts according to its
programmed zone type.
Refer to
Section 3.3 Arming the System in STAY Mode 1
on page 14 for more information.
2 – Zone Isolation Allowed
If this option is selected, the operator can isolate the
zone before arming the system. If this option is not
selected, the zone cannot be manually isolated.
When a zone is manually isolated, a Zone Bypass
Report (Contact ID Event Code 570) is sent. Refer to
Section 3.11 Isolating Zones
on page 17 for more