ICP-CC488 |
Installation Guide | 3.0
System Operations
| 19
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 12/08 | F01U089457-02
Table 14: System FAULT indicators
Fault Description
Low battery
This fault registers when the system detects
a low capacity backup battery. The system
automatically performs a battery test every
4 hours and every time you arm the system.
Date and time
This fault registers when the system is
powered down. The fault does not cause
the FAULT indicator to light on the codepad
unless automatic arming time is
programmed. To program the date and time,
refer to
Section 5.2.8
RF receiver fault
This fault registers when the RF wireless
receiver unit detects RF jamming, the RF
wireless receiver is disconnected from the
control panel or failed, or the RF receiver’s
cover tamper switch is activated.
Horn speaker
This fault registers when the system detects
the horn speaker is disconnected. This fault
clears when the horn speaker is
reconnected. This feature is enabled by
selecting Option 2 in Location 492 (refer to
Section 18.1 System Options 1
Telephone line fault
This fault registers when the system detects
the telephone line is disconnected from the
control panel. This feature is enabled by
selecting Option 1 in Location 176 (refer to
Section 11.11 Telephone Line Fault
This fault registers when the system detects
an internal checksum error. Contact your
installer if this fault is displayed.
AUX Power Supply fail
This fault occurs when the AUX Power
Supply has failed. Contact your installer
when this fault occurs.
AC MAINS Failure
An AC MAINS supply failure automatically flashes
the MAINS indicator. If the AC MAINS supply is
disconnected continuously for longer than 2 min, the
remote codepad beeps the codepad buzzer once per
min. If the control panel is programmed to report an
AC MAINS failure to a base station receiver, an AC
Fail Report (Contact ID Event Code 301) is
The MAINS indicator stops flashing when the AC
MAINS supply is reconnected. When the AC
MAINS supply is connected continuously for 2 min,
the codepad stops the once per min beep and an AC
Fail Restore Report is transmitted to the base station
If the Enable AC Fail in 1 Hour option (1) is selected
in Location 494 (refer to
Section 18.3 System Options 3
on page 81), the codepad flashes the MAINS
indicator when the AC MAINS supply is
disconnected, but does not activate the dialer or the
codepad buzzer unless the AC MAINS supply is
disconnected continuously for 1 hour.
If the Ignore AC MAINS Fail option (2) is selected in
Location 494 (refer to
Section 18.3 System Options 3
page 81 the codepad does not indicate when the AC
MAINS supply fails, but the control panel still
reports an AC Fail Report, if enabled.