Viewing information
6 720 617 763 (2008/09)
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Standard system
Menu for basic system component of solar thermal
T1: Temperature of col-
lector group 1
80.0 °C
Temperature measured by collector temperature
sensor (T
T2: Temp at bottom of
solar cylinder
55.7 °C
Temperature measured by bottom cylinder tempera-
ture sensor (T
SP: Collector grp 1 solar
pump status
Running | Off
Status of solar pump (SP).
Collector group 1 shut
Yes | No
Shows whether safety shutdown of the solar pump
(SP) due to overheating of the collectors (T
) has
Solar cylinder status
Fully charged | Partially
Charge status of solar cylinder.
SP: Coll grp 1 solar pump
running time
12463 h
Hours of duty of the solar pump (SP) since commis-
Thermal disinfection
Menu for thermal disinfection part of the system.
PE: Therm disinfect
pump status
Running | Off
Status of thermal disinfection pump (PE).
Temp diff controller
Menu for the freely available temperature differen-
tial controller
TF1: Heat source temper-
45.5 °C
Temperature measured at the heat source (TF1)
TF2: Heat consumer tem-
35.5 °C
Temperature measured at the heat sink (TF2)
PF/DWUF: Pump/valve
On | Off
Switching status of pump/valve in freely available
temperature controller
Solar optimisation
Menu for solar-assisted optimisation of conventional
heating system.
Solar yield in last hour
120 Wh
Solar energy yield in the last hour (a figure is only
shown if correct parameters have been set on the
Solar optimisation menu,
Section 8.5.3 on
page 62).
Solar yield today
2.38 kWh
Solar energy yield for the current 24 hour period.
Solar yield overall
483.6 kWh
Total solar energy yield since commissioning.
DHW temperature
reduced by
4.7 K
Current reduction of the specified domestic hot
water temperature required by the boiler as a result
of the available solar energy. Does not start until at
least 30 days after commissioning.
Required room tempera-
ture reduced by
1.3 K
Current reduction of required room temperature for
heating circuit based on available solar energy. Does
not start until at least 30 days after commissioning.
40 Solar system
03 FW 100
EA Boiler
List of current faults. More detailed information can
be obtained by selecting with the rotary selector
and then pressing the rotary selector
INFO menu structure
Display (example)
Tab. 12