a stick shaker, autopilot disconnect, aural and
visual warning, and a stick pusher actuation.
Roll, pitch, and yaw changes are generated
from the control wheels, control columns, and
rudder pedals, conveyed by mechanical means
to separate and independent hydraulic power
control units which move the flight surfaces.
The ailerons and elevators are each powered
by two of the three hydraulic systems, while
the rudder is powered by all three systems.
Loss of any single hydraulic system will not
affect flight control operation.
Lift modulation is accomplished by the de-
ployment of spoilers or flaps. Flight spoilers
consist of two hydraulically actuated panels, one
hinged to each upper wing surface forward of
the outboard flaps. They can be extended to, and
held in, any position between 0° and 40°.
Ground spoilers are located on the upper wing
surface forward of the inboard flaps. They
have two operating positions, fully retracted
or fully deployed (45°) for ground use.
The flap system consists of externally hinged
inboard and outboard slotted flap panels which
are mounted on the wing trailing edges. The
panels are electrically selected and electri-
cally driven. A flap control lever quadrant on
the center pedestal has detents at the 0°, 20°,
30°, and 45° positions.
Aileron and rudder trim are actuated electri-
cally. There are no trim tabs. Pitch trim inputs
are electromechanically applied to an actua-
tor which varies the angle of incidence of the
horizontal stabilizer.
The following equipment is fitted to the Chal-
lenger before the completion center modifi-
cations are added:
• Pitot-static system
• Flight instruments
• Navigation systems
• Automatic flight control system
• Communications system
The Challenger is delivered to the customer
with a completely installed cockpit oxygen sys-
tem. A single cylinder supplies oxygen to both
quick-donning, diluter-demand pilot masks.
Each mask contains its own flow regulator.
The oxygen cylinder is ground rechargeable.
It incorporates one pressure-reducing valve
and two relief valves, including an overboard
discharge indicating disc.
FlightSafety Canada
L t é e
L t d .
CL 601-3A/R