The auxiliary power unit (APU) installed in the
Challenger is a self-contained gas turbine en-
gine manufactured by the Garret Turbine En-
gine Company and is designated as “GTCP
36-100 (E).”
The APU is installed within a fireproof enclo-
sure in the aft equipment bay, behind the rear
pressure bulkhead. It is provided with indepen-
dent fire detection and extinguishing systems.
The primary functions of the APU are:
• To provide compressed air for engine
starting and for cabin and cockpit heat-
ing and cooling through the environ-
mental control system.
• To drive a generator for the supply of AC
electrical power. In-flight use is for
emergencies only, when both main gen-
erators have failed.
The APU is independent of all airplane sys-
tems with the exception of a DC power sup-
ply for starting and a fuel supply from the
airplane fuel system.
The Challenger CL-600-2B16 uses two Gen-
eral Electric CF-34 powerplants. Each is a
high-bypass front fanjet engine with a 6.2 to
1 bypass ratio. It incorporates a 14-stage axial-
flow compressor driven by a 2-stage air-
cooled, high-pressure turbine, an annular
combustion section, a single-stage independent
front fan driven by a 4-stage , low-pressure tur-
bine, a fixed-area concentric exhaust section,
and an integrated control system.
The high pressure single-spool compressor
incorporates variable-inlet guide vanes and
five stages of variable-stator vanes that enable
the engine to make stall-free accelerations.
The front fan, which increases mass airflow
and decreases jet velocity, gives the CF-34 a
large increase in thrust over that available
from a comparable turbojet, while consuming
the same amount of fuel. This significantly in-
creases the range capability of the airplane.
At sea level on a standard day, the CF-34 de-
livers 8,729 pounds of thrust at takeoff power
with 9,220 pounds of thrust available through
an automatic power reserve system.
Thrust reversers are installed for ground use.
The fire protection system provides a means
of detecting and extinguishing fires in the en-
gines and the auxiliary power unit. It may be
considered as two systems, a fire detection
system and a fire-extinguishing system. The
fire detection system consists of three sepa-
rate sensing loops which provide visual and
aural warnings for detected fires. The fire-ex-
tinguishing system consists of three bottles
manually activated from the cockpit. In addi-
tion, the airplane is equipped with a bleed-air
leak detection system, a main landing gear
overheat warning system, and engine jet
pipe/pylon overheat detection systems. A
portable fire extinguisher is mounted on the
flight deck.
The pneumatic system distributes bleed air for
use in engine starting, anti-icing systems, air-
conditioning, pressurization, and thrust-re-
verser operation. Compressed bleed air may
be extracted from both airplane engines and/or
the APU. There is also provision for connect-
ing an external air source while on the ground.
Whatever the source of the bleed air, it is
routed into a bleed air manifold. The flow of
air through the manifold is controlled by elec-
trically selected, pneumatically operated
valves. Control and monitoring of the mani-
fold air supply is performed by the pilot, using
the bleed air control panel located overhead
in the cockpit.
CL 601-3A/R
FlightSafety Canada
L t é e
L t d .