The antenna tilt range is ±15°. The radar an-
tenna stabilizes using roll and pitch informa-
tion derived from IRS 1. The radar range is
s e l e c t a b l e f r o m 5 t o 3 0 0 n a u t i c a l m i l e s .
Selection of the FP mode removes radar returns
from the MFD and enables a map display on
the MFD or EHSI.
The radar transmitter is inhibited while on the
ground, via the WOW system. To override the
forced standby mode, simultaneously press
both range select buttons. Never radiate in
proximity to ground personnel or other aircraft
being refueled.
Weather Radar Controller
The weather radar controller (Figure 16-68)
controls the active functions for the weather
radar and displays the functions on the MFD.
The controller consists of the following:
• Radar mode select switch
• Receiver gain knob
• Tilt knob
• UP/DOWN arrows
Radar Mode Select Switch
The seven-position rotary radar mode select
switch controls the power and active displays
presented on the MFD. The following settings
apply to the mode select switch:
• OFF—Turns the radar system off. WX
OFF is displayed in the mode field.
• SBY—Placing the radar in standby keeps
the radar in a ready state with the antenna
stopped, the transmitter inhibited, and the
display memory erased. If selection of
SBY occurs prior to the 45 second RTA
warmup period completion, an amber
flashing wait displays in the mode field.
After the period completes warmup, the
radar automatically stays in SBY.
• WX—Selecting weather places the radar
system in the weather detection mode.
The system is fully operational and all
internal parameters are set for enroute
weather detection. If selection of WX oc-
curs prior to the 45 second RTA warmup
period completes, the amber flashing
WAIT legend displays. After the warmup
period completes, the radar automati-
cally enters the WX mode.
• RCT—Selecting RCT adds the rain echo
attenuation compensation technique that
forces the system to a preset gain. A
green RCT legend displays in the mode
field after selection of the RCT posi-
tion. The RCT function compensates for
attenuation of the radar signal as it
passes through rainfall.
• GMAP—Selecting groundmap places the
radar system in the ground mapping
mode. The system is fully operational
and all internal parameters are set to en-
hance returns from ground targets. RCT
compensation is inactive in GMAP mode.
• F P — T h e f l i g h t p l a n m o d e d i s p l a y s
flight plan data from the pilot’s or copi-
lot’s flight management system on the
MFD. The range on the MFD extends to
allow a graphic display of the full flight
plan for the aircraft.
• TST—The TEST mode displays a se-
ries of test patterns on the MFD. Range
is automatically set to 100 nautical miles
and receiver gain to the preset level.
Transmitter power radiates in this mode.
CL 601-3A/R
FlightSafety Canada
L t é e
L t d .