Each system has its own reservoir, pressur-
ized by a boot strap system to provide positive
feed to the pumps. Each reservoir also fea-
tures a direct reading fluid level indicator and
a transmitter to provide a cockpit indication of
fluid quantity.
System fluid is Skydrol 500B4. This fluid is
very corrosive and must be handled with care.
Avoid eye contact with the fluid. Skydrol LD-
4 or Chevrol Hyjet IV may also be used. These
fluids may be mixed in any proportion.
One nitrogen precharged 1,500 psi accumula-
tor in each system provides surge damping,
temporary pressure, and leakage compensation.
Pressure, case drain, and return filters incor-
p o r a t e i n d i c a t o r s t h a t ex t e n d i f e l e m e n t
blocking exists.
The controls and indicators are grouped to-
gether on the overhead panel. Shown for each
system are pressure and quantity indicators,
caution lights, and electric pump switches
(Figure 13-1).
Beginning at the top of the control panel in
Figure 13-1, the purpose and operation of the
controls and indicators are as follows:
• Pressure Indicators—Indicate pressure
in the systems. Normal operating pres-
sure is 3,000 ±150 psi. When electrical
power is removed, the pointers return to
0 psi.
• Te m p e r a t u r e C a u t i o n L i g h t s —
Illuminate if fluid temperature in the
reservoir exceeds 205°F (96°C).
• ELECT PUMP Switches—Provide con-
trol of hydraulic pump 3A and the hy-
draulic B pumps.
• Low-Pressure Lights—Illuminate at
1,800 psi decreasing pressure and go
out at 2,300 psi increasing pressure. The
lights for the primary pumps (engine
and 3A) are always active. Lights for
the hydraulic B pumps are only active
when the pump is selected on or the
flaps are greater than 0° with pump
switch deselected.
• Reservoir Quantity Indicators—Indicate
quantity in system reservoirs. The green
band indicates a range of 45% to 85%.
The indicators revert to 0% when electri-
cal power is removed.
FlightSafety Canada
L t é e
L t d .
CL 601-3A/R
Figure 13-1. Hydraulic Systems Controls
and Indicators