Visual indications are provided by the
test pattern for display of color, display
sensitivity, and transmitter and receiver
integrity faults. Video detection levels
are monitored by target bands in the test
pattern. The test pattern indicates the
presence of any failures detected by the
RTA fault monitoring system, in the test
mode, by displaying an amber FAIL in-
stead of the TEST. This is normally
shown in the upper left corner.
Receiver Gain Knob
The receiver gain is calibrated in the WX mode
with the GAIN control in the PRESET posi-
tion. The receiver is not calibrated when vari-
able gain is used, but calibration is restored if
the RCT or TGT function is selected on the
weather radar controller. The sensitivity time
control (STC) maintains the receiver gain cal-
ibration for a range out to 80 nautical miles,
depending on the range selected. Extended
STC (XSTC) extends the gain calibration for
another 95 nautical miles. The receiver cali-
bration can be verified by the correct appear-
ance of the test pattern and noise band during
activation of the test mode.
Tilt Knob
A rotary knob controls the tilt angle of the
antenna beam relative to the earth plane
Clockwise rotation tilts beam upward to +15
degrees; counterclockwise rotation tilts beam
downward to 15 degrees. The EHSI displays
a digital readout of the antenna tilt angle.
Pulling the knob out causes the system to enter
the autotilt mode. During autotilt, the antenna
automatically adjusts the selected range and
barometric altitude. The antenna tilt auto-
matically adjusts with changes in altitude
and/or selected range. In autotilt, the tilt con-
trol can fine tune the tilt setting by ±2 degrees.
UP/DOWN Arrows
The up and down arrows toggle between the
six selectable ranges (10, 25, 50, 100, 200, and
300 NM).
TRB Function
Pressing the TRB button activates the turbu-
lence mode with the rotary RADAR mode
select switch in WX and the selected range 50
NM or less. A green WX/T displays in the
mode field. Selection of the 100, 200, or 300
NM ranges prevents turbulence detection
mode. The /T disappears from display and
variable gain reengages if previously selected.
Subsequent changes in range to 50 NM or less
activates the TRB function.
GCR Function
Pressing the ground clutter reduction button
reduces the display of ground clutter. Targets
that remain on the display after selection of
GCR are normally weather targets. The range
must be 50 NM or less, and selection of 100
NM or more turns off the clutter reduction.
TGT Function
The target (TGT) function is used in the WX
mode to monitor for red-level three-or-stronger
targets within ±7.5° of aircraft heading. The
TGT function can be selected in any WX mode
range except 300 nautical miles. To activate
the target alert, the target must have the fol-
lowing depth and range characteristics:
The target alert is functional at the listed
ranges; however, it is improbable that a real-
istic target would be strong enough to be
detected if the target range exceeds five times
the displayed range. The target alert is inac-
tive outside the displayed range. Selecting
target alert prevents receiver gain from being
The sector function reduces the display of
radar information to a 60 degree sector. This
feature allows faster updating of radar infor-
CL 601-3A/R
FlightSafety Canada
L t é e
L t d .