The bank button allows manual selection of the
bank angle limit in the HDG select, VOR, or
LNAV modes. Alternate activation of the
BANK button causes selection of a 24 degree
high bank limit (27 degree HDG select, or 30
degree LNV) or a 17 degree low bank limit.
The default bank limit is set ot high bank.
During manual transition between HDG, VOR,
and LNV, the bank angle maintains the setting
until BANK is pressed.
Climbing through 32,400 feet automatically
selects the low bank angle limit unless previ-
ously selected. Pressing the BANK button can
manually select the high bank angle limit.
Descending through 31,900 feet automati-
cally selects the high bank angle limit unless
previously selected.
The CAT 2 button initiates the category 2 ap-
proach logic for annunciation of the CAT 2 sta-
tus on the EADI. The mode arms and operates
with less than 1200 feet radio altitude.
The STBY button cancels all selected flight di-
rector modes.
The AP pushbutton engages the autopilot and
yaw damper functions simultaneously and il-
luminates the corresponding coupled AFCS.
Pressing the button a second time disconnects
the autopilot and the yaw damper remains en-
The left and right pointers correspond to the
coupled AFCS. The left pointer illuminated
means the pilot side equipment controls the
autopilot, and the right pointer means the copi-
lot side equipment controls the autopilot.
The red AP DISC switchlight, located on the
i n s t r u m e n t p a n e l , i l l u m i n a t e s f o l l ow i n g
autopilot disconnect or if an autopilot fault
requiring autopilot disengagement occurs.
Yaw Damper
Activation of the YD pushbutton engages the
yaw damper function. A repeated activation of
the YD pushbutton disengages the yaw damper
function. If the autopilot is engaged at that
time, this repeated activation of the YD push-
button disengages the yaw damper and au-
topilot functions simultaneously. The amber
YD OFF light, located on the instrument panel,
illuminates and cannot be reset as long as the
yaw damper remains disengaged.
Mach Trim
Activation of the M TRIM pushbutton selects
the Mach trim function. The Mach trim then
stays active all the time, even if the autopilot
is engaged, allowing Mach trim to engage au-
tomatically when the autopilot disengages. A
repeated activation of the pushbutton dese-
lects Mach trim. The amber MACH TRIM
OFF light, located on the instrument panel, il-
luminates when the Mach trim is off; it also
generates the FLT CONT master caution.
The couple pushbutton selects either the pilot’s
or copilot’s EHSI and DADC data for lateral
and vertical guidance to the FGC 1 or 2.
Initially at powerup, the pilot side EHSI and
DADC provide the data for the FGC. Pressing
the CPL right pushbutton selects the copilot
side data.
If the flight director is active during a data
transfer, all the functions and annunciation
cancel for both EADI display and autopilot
functions. During an ILS approach using the
flight director, both CPL arrows illuminate
indicating that both data sets compare infor-
mation during the final approach. If one side
fails the system automatically selects the other
CL 601-3A/R
FlightSafety Canada
L t é e
L t d .