User Manual
Appendix C: MPTS and Pro:Idiom™
In MPTS mode, the unit will pass thru the stream information. The below guidelines should be followed.
The Program Number must be unique in a MPTS output stream. If a duplicate Program
Number exists, assign a different number in the range of 1 to 65535.
The channel number displayed on the screen is the combination of the major and minor channels.
Make sure that the major-minor channel pair is unique for each program on the MPTS output. For example,
if major channel = 6 and minor channel = 1, then the channel number displayed on TV would be 6-1.
MPTS Output Stream ‘x’ and MPTS Output Stream ‘y’ may have same PID, Program Number,
Major-minor channel pair as each MPTS output stream is a unique stream.
When utilizing the Pro:Idiom™ encryption feature, the MPTS input streams are required to be paired together
(i.e MPTS#1&2, 3&4, 5&6, 7&8), with each pair having the following
• Program Map Table (PMT) PIDs
• Program number
• Elementary stream PIDs
• Number and type of Elementary streams
Other requirements include:
• Maximum six (6) programs per MPTS
• PMT not to exceed one transport stream packet
• Not using the restricted range of PIDs (see Pro:Idiom
documentation for range)