Logging clips
Ensure an RS-422 serial cable is connected between your Blackmagic Design video hardware
and the deck.
Ensure the deck’s remote/local switch is set to remote. Use the standard j, k, l shortcut keys to
shuttle backwards, pause and shuttle forwards.
Click the ‘mark in’ button to mark the in point, or use the shortcut key i.
Click the ‘mark out’ button to mark the out point, or use the shortcut key o.
Click the ‘log clip’ button to log the clip, or use the shortcut key p. The entry should now
appear in the media list with a red X in its icon to indicate the media is offline.
Batch Capture
After logging a clip, you can click the ‘clip’ button to capture a single clip.
To capture multiple clips, continue logging the clips for batch capture.
Select the logged clips in the media list and do one of the following:
Click the ‘batch’ button.
Right click on the selection and select batch capture.
Go to the ‘file’ menu and choose batch capture.
Media Express will capture the clip from the in to out timecode.
DPX Capture
If you want to capture a DPX image sequence rather than a movie file, open the Media Express
preferences and set the ‘capture file format’ to DPX 10-Bit RGB.
Create a DPX project by setting the capture file format to DPX.
DPX capture preferences.
When the capture has been completed, a single thumbnail will appear in the media list
representing the entire frame sequence. The sequence of DPX frames will be stored in its
own folder in your disk storage. Audio will be stored in a .wav file in the same folder.
By default, DPX captures are assumed to be from YUV sources. If you are capturing from an
RGB source, select ‘capture from an RGB source’.
If you want the DPX frame numbers to be based on the timecode of the captured video,
rather than just starting from zero, enable the option to ‘use absolute frame numbering when
capturing DPX’.
If you aren’t performing long DPX captures, you may wish to reduce the number of zeroes in
the frame numbers by changing the option, ‘when capturing DPX files, use (2-8) digit numbers
in the frame count’.
Blackmagic Media Express