Wireless activation
The wireless activation process activates BlackBerry® devices on the BlackBerry® Enterprise Server over the wireless network.
Neither you nor the users are required to connect the BlackBerry devices to a computer to complete the activation process.
You can use wireless activation to activate a large number of BlackBerry devices over the wireless network. When users want to
activate BlackBerry devices on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server over the wireless network, they must notify you. You can use the
BlackBerry administration console to configure the activation passwords and distribute the passwords to the users.
The BlackBerry® Enterprise Solution can begin the wireless activation process automatically, or when users open the activation
application on the BlackBerry devices and type an activation password.
Activation passwords
The BlackBerry® Enterprise Server activates a BlackBerry device over the wireless network using the wireless activation
authentication protocol and an activation password that is specific to the BlackBerry device user account.
length of activation password
Typical activation passwords are four to eight characters long. Activation passwords
are limited to the following character lengths:
BlackBerry device: 31 characters
BlackBerry administration console: 20 characters
KeyGenPassword field that stores the password in the BlackBerry
Configuration Database: 50 characters
character support
Activation passwords can include any type of character except accented characters.
The wireless activation authentication protocol is designed so that short activation
passwords do not compromise the security of the protocol.
You must distribute the activation password securely to the authenticated user. If
the user received the activation password, but does not activate the BlackBerry
device on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, a user with malicious intent who can
access the activation password can connect another BlackBerry device to the
BlackBerry Enterprise Server and assume the identity of the intended user.
When a user activates a BlackBerry device on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, the
activation password becomes inactive and a user with malicious intent cannot reuse
it to activate another BlackBerry device.
Administration Guide
Assigning BlackBerry devices to user accounts