Creating a BlackBerry Enterprise Server administrator in a Microsoft SQL
Server environment
BlackBerry® Enterprise Server administrators are database users who can access the BlackBerry Configuration Database using
the BlackBerry Manager. This access is restricted to the administrative roles that the BlackBerry Enterprise Server administrators
are assigned to.
Only administrators who are assigned to the security administrator role can create other BlackBerry Enterprise Server
administrators accounts. When creating administrator accounts, perform one of the following tasks:
assign an administrative role to an existing database account
create a new database account and assign it an administrative role
Assign an administrative role to a new or existing Microsoft SQL Server database account
Do not assign an administrative role using the Microsoft® SQL Server® consoles or assign more than one administrative
role to an administrator. The BlackBerry® Configuration Database uses the most restrictive settings to determine which tasks
the BlackBerry Manager displays, so an administrator who is assigned both enterprise and junior help desk roles sees only the
tasks for the junior help desk role.
Before you begin:
Verify that you have the system administrator role on the database server.
If you are creating a new database account and want to use Windows® authentication, verify that the Windows user account
or group already exists.
In the BlackBerry Manager, in the left pane, click
BlackBerry Domain
On the
Role Administration
tab, click a role.
Complete one of the following actions:
• To add an administrative role to an existing Microsoft SQL Server database account, click
List Administrators
• To create a new Microsoft SQL Server database account and assign it to an administrative role, click
Add Administrators
Complete one of the following actions:
• To add an administrative role to an existing administrator account, click the administrator account that you want to add
the role to.
• To create a database account only and add an administrative role to the account, type a user name.
• To create a database account for an existing Windows user account or group and add an administrative role to the
account, type a user name preceded by a domain name (for example, DOMAIN\username).
If prompted, type and confirm a password.
Administration Guide
Creating a BlackBerry Enterprise Server administrator in a Microsoft SQL Server environment