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Chapter 7: Configuring a MultiWAN for the WRT4000 Series Cellular Wireless Router
b. On the MultiWAN Member Configuration Detail Screen, enter values to develop a weighted member set. Enter values for the
following fields:
• Interface (required field): Type an interface name for this multiWAN member to use. The interface name must be listed under
Available Interfaces in the lower portion of the screen. (In Figure 7-7, the available interface names are wan1 and wan2.)
• Metric (precedence): Type a value for order of precedence. A low metric has a high priority.
• Weight (load distribution): Type a value to determine loadsharing. A high weight has a high priority.
NOTE: When a packet is tested against the rules, the metric of each active WAN interface is considered.
• If one WAN has a lower metric than all other WANs in the multiWAN, the traffic will failover to that WAN interface.
• If two or more WANs have the same lowest metric, the weights of those WANs are considered. Traffic will pass through those
WANs, using load balancing based on the relative weights assigned to those WANs.
c. When you have finished configuring this multiWAN member, select the Save button; then select the Back to Overview button
to see the MultiWAN Member Configuration Summary Screen.
d. If you need to configure another member for the multiWAN, return to step 5a.
e. When you have configured metrics and weights for all the members of the multiWAN, do one of the following on the
MultiWAN Member Configuration Summary Screen (recall Figure 7-6):
i. Select the Save & Apply button to save the configuration and use it immediately.
ii. Select the Save button to save the multiWAN member configuration now and use it after the WRT4000 Series Cellular Wireless
Router is restarted.
iii. Select the Reset button to discard the changes and use the previously saved configuration.
6. Select the Policies tab.
• The MultiWAN Policy Configuration Summary Screen is displayed (Figure 7-8). On this screen, you can develop policies for the
Figure 7-8. MultiWAN Policy Configuration Summary Screen.
NOTE: You can leave an unused policy in place on this screen, in case it might be used in the future. (To leave a policy unused,
do not assign it to a rule in step 7b.)