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Chapter 6: Configuring Chassis Ports
6.1.1 Configuring a LAN Port
Confer with your network administrator to get values for this configuration.
1. Select the Network management area.
2. Select the Interfaces configuration area.
• The WRT4000 Series Cellular Wireless Router Interface Overview Screen is displayed (Figure 6-3).
Figure 6-3. WRT4000 Series Cellular Wireless Router Interface Overview Screen.
3. Select the Edit button in the LAN interface row.
4. If necessary, select the General Setup tab.
• The LAN Interface General Setup Screen is displayed (Figure 6-4).
Figure 6-4. LAN Interface General Setup Screen.
5. After configuring the fields on the screen (including the General Setup items under the DHCP Server heading in the lower
portion of the screen), select the Save & Apply button. Then select the Advanced Settings tab under the DHCP Server heading.
• The LAN Interface DHCP Server Advanced Settings Screen is displayed (Figure 6-5).