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Chapter 8: Virtual Private Networks
Figure 8-1. List of Configured IPsec VPN Tunnels.
2. Review the configured VPN tunnels.
NOTE: In the VPN tunnel configuration screens, “left” indicates “local” (that is, it indicates the WRT4000 Series Cellular Wireless
Router) and “right” indicates “remote” (the device at the other end of the connection).
3. You may need to add or revise some VPN tunnels to reflect changes in your network configuration. If so, do the following, for
as many VPN tunnels as needed for your WRT4000 Series Cellular Wireless Router:
a. To add an IPsec VPN tunnel, select the button Add IPsec Tunnel (below the list of Tunnel Names).
b. To revise a VPN tunnel configuration, select the Edit button on the right side of that VPN tunnel’s row.
• In either case, the screen for Configuring an IPsec VPN Tunnel is displayed (Figure 8-2).
Figure 8-2. Configuring an IPsec VPN Tunnel.