Chapter 5: Operation of CLI Management
724-746-5500 |
Syntax: exit
Description: Back to the previous mode. When you enter this command, your current position will move back to the previous mode. If
you use this command in the top mode, you remain in top mode.
Argument: None.
Possible value: None.
LPB4008A# trunk
LPB4008A(trunk)# exit
Syntax: help
Description: Show available commands. Some commands are the combination of more than two words. When you enter this
command, the CLI shows the complete commands. The command helps you classify the commands between the local commands and
the global ones.
Argument: None.
Possible value: None.
LPB4008A# ip
LPB4008A(ip)# help
Commands available:
------------<< Local commands >>------------
set ip
Set ip,subnet mask and gateway
set dns Set dns
enable dhcp Enable DHCP, and set dns auto or manual
disable dhcp Disable DHCP
Show IP Configuration
------------<< Global commands >>------------
Back to the previous mode
Back to the top mode
Show available commands
history Show a list of previously run commands
Logout the system
save start
Save as start config
save user Save as user config
restore default Restore default config
restore user
Restore user config
Syntax: history [#]
Description: Shows a list of previous commands that you have run. When you enter this command, the CLI shows a list of commands
that you had typed before. The CLI supports up to 256 records. If no argument is typed, the CLI will list total records up to 256. If an
optional argument is given, the CLI would only show records indicated by the argument.