Chapter 4: Operation of Web-based Management
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Status: The port’s role in the spanning tree topology. Possible values are “dsbl”(disable port), ”alt”(alternate port) , “bkup”(backup
port), “ROOT”(root port), “DSGN”(designated port), and “MSTR”(master port). The last 3 are possible port roles for a port to
transition to FORWARDING state.
Path Cost: Display port path cost value for each port in a particular spanning tree instance.
Priority: Display port priority value for each port in a particular spanning tree instance.
Hello: per port Hello Time display.
Current Hello Time/Hello Time Setting
Oper. Edge: Whether or not a port is an Edge Port.
Oper. P2P: Whether or not a port is a Point-to-Point Port.
Restricted Role: Same as mentioned in “Port Config”
Restricted Tcn: Same as mentioned in “Port Config”
4.16 Mirror
Function name: Mirror Configuration
Function description: Mirror Configuration monitors the traffic of the network. For example, we assume that Port A and Port B are
Monitoring Port and Monitored Port respectively. The traffic received by Port B will be copied to Port A for monitoring.
When you configure the mirror function, avoid setting a port to be a sniffer port and aggregated port at the same time.
Figure 4-158. Mirror configuration.
Parameter description:
Port to mirror to: Range: Disabled/Port 1–8
Port #: Range: 1–8
Source Enable: Source enable means the monitored port ingress traffic will be copied to a monitoring port.
Destination Enable: The destination enable means the monitored port egress traffic will be copied to a monitoring port.