Chapter 4: Operation of Web-based Management
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Refresh: Update the multicast group membership.
4.17.5 MVR
Function name:
MVR configuration (Multicast VLAN Registration)
Function description:
Multicast VLAN Registration (MVR) routes packets received in a multicast source VLAN to one or more receive VLANs. Clients are in
the receive VLANs and the multicast server is in the source VLAN. Multicast routing has to be disabled when MVR is enabled.
Use this function with a tag based VLAN mode.
Figure 4-163. MVR configuration.
Parameter description:
MVR Enable: Set the MVR function enable.
Host Time Out: To set the MVR function enable and the Host packet received by the Switch timeout period. The units are seconds
and the time range is from 1 to 65535. The default is 125 seconds.
Fast Leave: Set which port will enable the Fast leave mode with IGMP snooping mode.
4.17.6 MVID
Function name:
MVID configuration (Multicast VLAN Registration ID assign entry)
Function description:
Set the MVR Group member ID (MVID) entry with the Member port and Router Port.