8- and 24-Port Gigabit L2 Managed Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) Switches
724-746-5500 | blackbox.com
show forward
Syntax: show forward
Description: Display the static forwarding mac entry.
Argument: None
Possible value: None
LPB4008A(mac-static-mac)# show forward
Static Forwarding Etnry: (Total 1 item(s))
1) mac: 00-02-03-04-05-06, port: 3, vid: -, alias: aaa
O. mirror
set mirror
Syntax: set mirror < #>
Description: Set mirror port and enable/disable mirror function.
Argument: <#>: port, available from 1 to 8 and 0.
1 to 8: available port number
0: disable mirror function
Possible value: <#>: 1 to 8
LPB4008A(mirror)# set mirror 2
set monitor-destination
Syntax: set monitor-destination <range>
Description: Set monitor destination port. The packets sent by this port will be copied to the monitoring port.
Argument: <range>: the port that is chosen for monitored port of the mirror function, syntax 1,5-7, available from 1 to 8
Possible value: <range>: 1 to 8
LPB4008A(mirror)# set monitor-destination 2-8
LPB4008A(mirror)# show
2 V
3 V
4 V
5 V
6 V
7 V
8 V