Chapter 4: Operation of Web-based Management
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0: The TCP control bit PSH is 0
1: The TCP control bit PSH is 1
TCP Control Bit ACK: Acknowledgment field significant. Any/0/1
Any: Includes all TCP ACK case
0: The TCP control bit ACK is 0
1: The TCP control bit ACK is 1
TCP Control Bit URG: Urgent Pointer field significant. Any/0/1
Any: Includes all TCP URG cases
0: The TCP control bit URG is 0
1: The TCP control bit URG is 1
IP Protocol Value: The IP Protocol Value is TCP. Options may occupy space at the end of the TCP header and are a multiple of 8 bits
long. Currently defined options include:
0 - End of option list
1 - No-Operation
Any: Including all IP protocol value cases
0: The IP protocol value is 0
1: The IP protocol value is 1
IP Parameters: (Frame Type = IPv4 and IP Protocol Filter = Other)
IP Protocol Value: Default: 255
IPTTL: (Time To Live)
The quantity of routers a datagram can pass through. Each router decrements this value by 1 until it reaches 0 when the datagram is
discarded. This keeps misrouted datagram from remaining on the Internet forever.
Any: Includes all conditions for IPTTL
Non-Zero: IPTTL is Non-Zero
Zero: IPTTL is zero
IP Fragment: (IP Fragmentation Flag)
Controls datagram fragmentation together with the identification field. The flags indicate whether the datagram may be fragmented,
whether the datagram is fragmented, and whether the current fragment is the final one.
Any: Includes all IP fragment cases
Yes: The ingress frame has fragmented packets.
No: The ingress frames do not have fragmented packet.
IP Option: A list of optional specifications for security restrictions, route recording, and source routing. Not every datagram specifies an
options field.