Better Water LLC; rev. Jun 2016
Page 12 of 72
MediPac, Tank-Feed Operator Manual
The interlock wiring system is a safety feature, incorporated into all Better Water LLC water
systems, is a low voltage (
24 vac
) lockout system designed to shut down the RO machine, if
running, or prevent the RO from running, when any filter or softener goes into backwash or
A 24 volt signal originates at the RO and is sent to each selected piece of pre-treatment
equipment in series, and the last piece of equipment is equipped with a “jumper” to return the
signal to the RO. When a filter or softener goes into backwash or regeneration mode, the signal
is redirected to a red light on the specific control valve, which illuminates to indicate the backwash
or regeneration mode of that piece of equipment. It also starts the city booster pump, and opens
the blend valve bypass. With this signal not being returned to the RO, the RO will not run or will
stop if running when the signal is broken. The interlock wiring system utilizes quick-connect
fittings on all connections.