Hypersensitive reactions harmful to health have not been reported
to date. In the following conditions such aids should only be
and applied after consultation with your medical provider:
1. Skin disorders/injuries in the relevant part of the body,
particularly if in
ammation is present. Likewise, any raised
scars with swellingredness and excessive heat build-up.
2. Impaired sensation and circulatory disorders of the feet, e.g.
Diabetes mellitus.
3. Impaired lymph drainage – including soft tissue swellings of
uncertain origin located remotely from the
tted aid.
4. Gout.
Fitting ValguLoc®
1. Undo the Velcro® fastening.
2. Push the big toe between the tape and the plastic clasp until
it rests in the concave section.
3. Draw the correction tape hanging beneath the foot across the
back of the foot and push through the slit in the clasp.
4. Pull the tape until the big toe appears to be correctly
positioned, provided this step does not prove painful, and
secure the Velcro® fastening.
Important information
• ValguLoc® is a prescribed product that should be applied under
a physician’s guidance. ValguLoc® should only be applied in
accordance with the instructions contained in these usage
directions and for the listed areas of application.
• The product is intented to be
tted only once and to one
• Do not walk while wearing the product.
• It should only be used when the foot is not placed under load.
• No liability is accepted for improper use of the product.
• Improper changes must not be made for the product. Non
compliance can reduce the performance of the product and
thus no liability will be accepted.
• Should you notice any unusual changes (e. g. increased
symptoms), please contact your medical provider without
A combination with other products (e. g. compression stockings)
must be discussed beforehand with your medical provider.
• Avoid the use of ointments, lotions or any substances including
grease or acids.
• Guarantee subject to statutory regulations.
• The product can be disposed of without any restrictions.
Product care and washing instructions
The support can be washed separately by hand using a mild
alkali-free detergent. To avoid damage and to preserve their
long-term adhesive strength, we recommend closing the Velcro®
fastenings before washing. Do not dry in direct heat (e. g. heater,
sunlight, etc.).
This product has been examined by our own quality control
system. However, should you have any complaint, please contact
your retailer or our customer service department.
Version: April 2011
do not
do not
tumble dry
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do not