Operating manual for
Series TX Plus
In areas where frost is likely in winter after the irrigation season, the machine must be drained in time. A
compressor with a minimum air capacity of 800 l/min at 2.5 bar overpressure is best suited for this purpose.
Connect the compressor to the inlet of the machine. For blowing out the water the PE-pipe should not be pulled
off. It can stay on the reel. Otherwise, winding up the pressureless PE-pipe would cause extreme ovality and
proper winding would become impossible.
Before the blow-out procedure, turn out the nozzle of the wide-range sprinkler or uncouple the sprinkler
connecting hose. The small amount of water remaining in the PE-pipe after the draining will not do any harm.
Turn out the drain plug at the bottom of the TX 20 turbine. We recommend to turn this plug in again only when
you start up the machine at the beginning of the next season. If a shut-off valve is mounted the connecting
hoses also have to be drained by opening the screwed joints. Clean the RAINSTAR and regrease all
appropriate points. Store the machine, preferably in a roofed shelter where it is protected from direct exposure
to the weather.
Drain screw for gear oil.
Oil or grease the jack.