Operating manual for
TX Plus
8.1 Checklist fOR ECOSTAR 4300
During the first run at the start of the season, but also during normal operation, there can occur problems with the
ECOSTAR, like negative reports, malfunction in connection with the electronics or the connected sensors, as well
as problems due to operating errors.
A systematic check of the system according to the checklist below can help to identify and solve the problem
This checklist serves as an additional help to the detailed operating manual of the ECOSTAR 4300.
After checking the device according to the SHORT-CHECKLIST, handling instructions are in the list below.
Check and find cause
1. Wrong
display signal
Check battery voltage!
The solar panel has to be covered completely and after 2-3 min
the battery voltage can be checked on the display of the first menu
window. (Press menu key 1x)
Note !
If the solar panel is not covered even an empty battery can show
voltage on the display, or when the sun is shining a sufficient
operating voltage is simulated.
The power supply, however, is not sufficient for the system
If the voltage of the battery (not influenced by the covered solar
panel) is below 12V, the power supply for the operation of the
system is not sufficient.
Charge or renew
2. Display
Check battery, cable connections and fuse!
1. Check battery voltage, battery is empty
2. The connection cables between battery and ECOSTAR are not
connected or without contact.
3. The fuse is defective.
The fuse is inside the electronic box where you can find a
replacement fuse.
Note !
When checking the connections it is important that the cables are
connected correctly:
„+“ clamp = brown wire, „-“ clamp = blue wire.
While disconnecting and connecting the battery and while the
battery is disconnected the solar panel should also be covered, as
an indication error is possible.
The saved machine data remain saved when the battery remains
When connecting the battery again you must not mistake the „Plus“
and „Minus“ clamps, as a short circuit is possible and the fuse falls,
or the electronic system can be damaged.
Charge or renew
battery; check
connections and
Renew fuse