3. Getting started
Barco – Argus X Terminal – DOC-3265-2 – user's manual – Revision 06 – February-2005
Background of the X server
The background of the X server can be set. Specify, if you want to set your individual background color and how.
In RGB values red is 255 0 0, green is 0 255 0 and blue is 0 0 255. You can choose any combination of these
colors within the range of 0 to 255.
Configuring the X Server's background
Do you want set the X-Server's background color (yes/no)? [yes]: yes
Enter the RGB values [range 0..255] [0 0 0]: 40 40 200
X display manager
The X display manager,
, is a system process which manages a user session from the login to the logout.
provides a flexible and configurable method for logging in with an X server. Refer to section
for a more detailed description, please!
allows you to specify the query type, entering
causes X.11 to start without
will connect you directly to the specified XDM;
will cause a chooser box to be opened, where you can select your XDM;
will connect you to the XDM that replies first to your request.
Configuring X Display Manager (XDM)
The local X Display Manager can be used to login on the Eos X Terminal.
Do you want start the X Server with XDMCP (yes/no)? [yes]: y
Set the XDMCP Query Types
1 - query (direct)
2 - indirect
3 - broadcast
Enter query type [2]: 2
Enter the ip address of your XDM []:
Font server
Please specify, if you want to use a font server. If necessary clarify the IP address as well as the respective port
number with your network administrator!
Configuring the Font Server
If you want a Font Server which supplies fonts for the X Server,
please answer the following question with either 'y' or 'n'
Do you want to use a Font Server (yes/no)? [yes]: y
Enter the ip address of your Font Server []:
Enter the Font Server's port number [7100]: 7100
The script lists your settings. Examine the values and confirm them by entering
or enter
for repeating the
previous configuration steps.
These are your X Server General Settings
- Bits Per Pixel: 8 and 16
- Visual Class: default visual = PseudoColor; 2nd visual = TrueColor
- X Server's RGB Values: 40 40 200
- XDM Protocol: -indirect
- Font Server: tcp/
Everything correct? (yes/no)? [yes]: y