Figure 33. New Module
12. Click
in the
Module Definition
Figure 34. Module Definition
The ZMX supports three types of EtherNet/IP connections: Exclusive Owner (ExOwner),
Listen Only, and Input Only. Most users select Exclusive Owner because it provides full control of
both the input and output data. An Input Only connection provides the T > O (ZMX output data) to
the PLC. A Listen Only connection provides the T > O (ZMX output data) to a device wishing to
listen to an existing multicast connection.
13. Select the desired connection in the
Module Definition
window. Each of the items in the
list represents a fixed
grouping of input and output assembly instances:
T > O PLC Input/ZMX Output Assembly 100 (0×64), size 68 16-bit registers
O > T PLC Output/ZMX Input Assembly 112 (0×70), size 40 16-bit registers
Listen Only
T > O PLC Input/ZMX Output Assembly 100 (0×64)
Input Only
T > O PLC Input/ZMX Output Assembly 100 (0×64)
14. Select
as the data type.
ZMX Series 3D Time of Flight Sensor
www.bannerengineering.com - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767