Installation Instructions
Care2 issue 9
1 Care2 Introduction
1.1 D
The Care2 Emergency Voice Communication System is a fully
monitored Communication System that allows Disabled Refuge
Remotes, Fire & Emergency Telephones, Disabled Toilet Alarms,
and Fire Telephone Sockets & Storage Enclosures to be connected
to just one system. It has been developed in accordance with
The system has three main components - the Master Console,
Network Expansion Panels, and the Outstations. The Outstations
and Fire & Emergency Telephones are supplied in different styles
to suit any installation.
The Care2 system is radial (or “Star Wired”) to each Outstation
with Power & Audio transmitted on a single pair of conductors.
Each Care2 Console can address four Outstations by default, and
this can be increased to a maximum of 16 Outstations by fitting
additional Expansion Kits.
Configuration information is stored on internal SD Cards.
The Care2 System is battery backed with integral batteries &
charger and is fully monitored to meet the requirements of