System Entity
Fluid Screen
Up to 16 fluids can be defined in the system.
The fluid id is a two-digit number controlled by the system and is assigned when a new fluid is
added. The fluid name can up to 16 alphanumeric characters in length
To Add a new fluid type the fluid name in the new fluid label box and click create. The new fluid
will be added and will appear on the screen next to its fluid id number.
To Modify an existing fluid name type the new name in the box next to the one to be modi
fied and click the modify button. The name of a fluid that is associated with a tank cannot be
To delete a fluid check the box next to fluid you wish to remove and it will be deleted. A fluid
that is associated with a tank cannot be deleted.
Tank Screen
Up to 16 Tanks can be defined in the system.
The Tank id is a two-digit number controlled by the system and is assigned when a new Tank is