System Product Tree Configuration
Tree Product Screen
The product tree is used to link the Fluid id to the tank that the fluid resides in.
Tanks are first defined in the entity tank detailing the size of the tank and unit of dispense for
the fluid in the tank. The fluid types must also be defined under the entity fluid screen before
they will show up in the product tree.
The product tree will display the fluid id number and the fluid name for all fluids that are set up.
To associate a tank to a fluid, select the tank from the pull down list next to add a tank with this
fluid under the desired fluid branch. Then click the add button. The tank id, tank level and
dispensing unit will then be displayed below the fluid id.
When a tank has been associated to a fluid it will no longer appear in the pull down list. Mul
tiple tanks can be selected under a fluid. When all tanks are associated to a fluid the pull down
list will no longer be available.
A tank can be removed from the tree by clicking the delete button next the tank id on the
screen. This only removes the tank from the association to the fluid. The tank is still in the
system and can be associated to a different fluid.
1. The Tank Level may only be updated after the Tank has been associated with a Fluid.
2. A Tank can only be attached to a Zone Keypad after the Tank has been associated
with a Fluid.